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Teléfono: 981167000
Ext: 1302
Fax: 981167160
Dirección: Facultad de Informática. Campus de Elviña s/n. 15071. A Coruña
Despacho: lab 2.2

[Articulos Revista] [Artículos Congreso] [Libros] [Capitulos Libro] [Reports]
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Articulos Revista [20   items]

Fecha Articulo Revista
4-2017 Experimental study and Random Forest prediction model of microbiome cell surface hydrophobicity Expert Systems with Applications
12-2016 A methodology for the design of experiments in computational intelligence with multiple regression models PeerJ
5-2016 Using Genetic Algorithms to improve Support Vector Regression in the analysis of Atomic spectra of Lubricant Oils Engineering Computations
1-2016 Texture analysis in gel electrophoresis images using an integrative kernel-based approach Scientific Reports
11-2015 A hybrid Evolutionary System for automated Artificial Neural Networks generation and simplification in biomedical applications Current Bioinformatics
9-2015 Texture classification using feature selection and kernel-based techniques Soft Computing
9-2015 RRegrs: An R package for Computer-aided Model Selection with Multiple Regression Models Journal of Cheminformatics
7-2015 Classification of signaling proteins based on molecular star graph descriptors using machine-learning models Journal of Theoretical Biology
4-2015 Solvent Accessible Surface Area-Based Hot-Spot Detection Methods for Protein–Protein and Protein–Nucleic Acid Interfaces Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
3-2015 Classification of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease with machine-learning techniques using 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data Expert Systems with Applications
6-2014 Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Image Registration using Block-Matching Techniques and Deformation Models Analytical Biochemistry
5-2014 Markov Mean Properties for Cell Death-Related Protein Classification Journal of Theoretical Biology
1-2014 Improving Enzyme Regulatory Protein Classification by means of SVM-RFE Feature Selection Molecular BioSystems
2014 Texture Classification of Proteins using Support Vector Machines and Bio-Inspired Metaheuristics Communications in Computer and Information Science
12-2013 Hybrid model based on Genetic Algorithms and SVM applied to variable selection within fruit juice classification The Scientific World Journal. Issue: Recent Advances on Bioinspired Computation
12-2013 High Order Texture-Based Analysis in Biomedical Images Current Medical Imaging Reviews
7-2013 Kernel-based Feature Selection Techniques for Transport Proteins Based on Star Graph Topological Indices Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
4-2013 Applied Computational Techniques on Schizophrenia using genetic mutations Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
1-2013 Genetic Based Spot Detection Method in Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Images International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" (IJ ITK)
2013 Spot matching in 2D electrophoresis experiments International journal of Data Analysis and Strategies

    .: SABIA :.  Sistemas Adaptativos y Bioinspirados en Inteligencia Artificial