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Pedreira Souto

Teléfono: +34 981 16 70 00
Ext: 1234
Fax: +34 981 16 71 60
Dirección: Facultad de Informática, Campus de Elviña s/n 15.071 A Coruña, Spain
Despacho: 3.02

[Articulos Revista] [Artículos Congreso] [Libros] [Capitulos Libro] [Reports]
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Articulos Revista [14   items]

Fecha Articulo Revista
9-2019 Improvement of Epitope Prediction Using Peptide Sequence Descriptors and Machine Learning International Journal of Molecular Science
3-2014 LECTINPred: web Server that Uses Complex Networks of Protein Structure for Prediction of Lectins with Potential Use as Cancer Biomarkers or in Parasite Vaccine Design Molecular Informatics
1-2014 Improving Enzyme Regulatory Protein Classification by means of SVM-RFE Feature Selection Molecular BioSystems
12-2013 High Order Texture-Based Analysis in Biomedical Images Current Medical Imaging Reviews
7-2013 Kernel-based Feature Selection Techniques for Transport Proteins Based on Star Graph Topological Indices Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
2011 Definition of Markov-Harary Invariants and Review of Classic Topological Indices and Databases in Biology, Parasitology, Technology, and Social-Legal Networks Current Bioinformatics
7-2007 A Computational Morphogenesis Approach to Simple Structure Development Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
3-2007 A New Evolutionary Computation Technique for 2D Morphogenesis and Information Processing WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications
6-2005 Diversity and Multimodal Search with a Hybrid Two-Population GA: An Application to ANN Development Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Computacional Intelligence and Bioinspired System
10-2004 Knowledge Management and Interactive Learning Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web
4-2004 Almacenamiento, procesado y análisis de imagen en un sistema de Informática Biomédica I + S. Informática y Salud
2-2004 Search the Optimal RANN Architecture, Reduce the Training Set and Make the Training Process by a Distribute Genetic Algorithm Artificial Intelligence and Applications
10-2001 Hybrid Two-Population Genetic Algorithm Lecture Notes in Computer Science.Computational Intelligence,theory and applications
1998 Algoritmos genéticos para el entrenamiento de redes de neuronas artificiales (RNA) recurrentes con activaciones temporales INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL.Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial

    .: SABIA :.  Sistemas Adaptativos y Bioinspirados en Inteligencia Artificial