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Categoria WoS
  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - 2 - 2 - 110/289
Titulo: Improving Enzyme Regulatory Protein Classification by means of SVM-RFE Feature Selection
Tipo: revista internacional
Fecha: 1,2014
Revista: Molecular BioSystems
JCR Journal; Impact Factor: 3.210
SCIMago SJR: 1.390
Citas ISI: 1 Citas Scopus: 1 Citas Google Scholar: 3
Volumen: 10
Paginas: 1063-1071
ISSN: 1742-206X
Editorial: RSC Publishing
doi: 10.1039/C3MB70489K
Pubmed ID: 24556806


Enzyme regulation proteins are very important due to their involvement in many biological processes that sustain life. The complexity of these proteins, the impossibility of identifying direct quantification molecular properties associated with the regulation of enzymatic activities, and their structural diversity creates the necessity for new theoretical methods that can predict the enzyme regulatory function of new proteins. The current work presents the first classification model that predicts protein enzyme regulators using the Markov mean properties. These protein descriptors encode the topological information of the amino acid into contact networks based on amino acid distances and physicochemical properties. MInD-Prot software calculated these molecular descriptors for 2415 protein chains (350 enzyme regulators) using five atom physicochemical properties (Mulliken electronegativity, Kang–Jhon polarizability, vdW area, atom contribution to P) and the protein 3D regions. The best classification models to predict enzyme regulators have been obtained with machine learning algorithms from Weka using 18 features. K* has been demonstrated to be the most accurate algorithm for this protein function classification. Wrapper Subset Evaluator and SVM-RFE approaches were used to perform a feature subset selection with the best results obtained from SVM-RFE. Classification performance employing all the available features can be reached using only the 8 most relevant features selected by SVM-RFE. Thus, the current work has demonstrated the possibility of predicting new molecular targets involved in enzyme regulation using fast theoretical algorithms.

    .: SABIA :.  Sistemas Adaptativos y Bioinspirados en Inteligencia Artificial