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Categoria WoS
Titulo: Development of a DICOM server for reception and strorage of medical images in digital format
Tipo: revista internacional
Fecha: 12,2004
Revista: WSEAS Transactions on Computer
Volumen: 3, Issue 6
Paginas: 2134-2139
ISSN: 1109-2750
Editorial: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
Athens (Grecia)


Recent progress in digital medical imaging has ineluctably created a need for efficient management for a mechanism that is able to gather and store all the modalities of medical images, regardless of the device that generated them. The DICOM standard defines a protocol for the comunication between such devices. This article presents a software server that comunicates with DICOM compatible machines and stores their studies. It has been validated and tested in real environments.

    .: SABIA :.  Sistemas Adaptativos y Bioinspirados en Inteligencia Artificial